Thursday, July 03, 2014

60 Days to More Wealth Exercise - Day 33

60 Days to More Wealth, Health & Prosperity Exercise
Adapted from Dr. Silvia Hartmann’s Book “60 Second Wealth Creators”

Day 33 - I’m Great!

Complete the following sentences outloud:
“I am really good at ….”
“I am also really good at …”
“My friends appreciate me because I am ….”
“What I like best about me is ….”
“I am proud of me because ….”
“I KNOW I’m going to make it because …”
All this is true. Allow yourself a moment to be glad who you are before we get to work.

Daily Switchword:  WHET = To stimulate, sharpen, hone, refine, finalize

In your journal write down any insights, thoughts or inspirations received today.
My “Aha” moment is….

I am grateful for….

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