Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Philosophy of a Great Screenwriter

It's never too late to learn something new and even the experienced writer is continuously improving his/her craft.  I've just signed up for a brand new class, The Philosophy of a Great Screenwriter.


At ScreenwritingU, we have walked more than 50 screenwriters through the dealmaking process in the last two years (See some of those deals here) and noticed early on that the writer's philosophy either helped make that deal or killed it.

We're going to explore some of the most important philosophy tips on screenwriting -- perspectives that have caused other screenwriters to break in and become some of the most successful screenwriters in the World.

•Six tips for breaking into the Biz more quickly.

•Three tips that could save you years of amateur mistakes.

•Four tips for causing people to recommend your writing.

•Four tips that empower you through tough situations.

•Three tips that help you build a solid career NOW.

Any one of these could dramatically increase your chance of success.

For more information, go to http://www.screenwritingu.com/philosophy/landing.html
Write right and write on!

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