Monday, January 06, 2014

Dream BIG in 2014!

We all have BIG dreams.  If you do not, then you should start dreaming BIG today.  Why dream small when you can dream big.  The Universe is unlimited and whatever you can dream has already been put into motion and will come to you as soon as you truly believe it and that you feel you are worthy to receive.

Dreams are coming true for people every single day.  No one person is more special than another.  No one person is more talented than another.  Competition is a façade.  We each have been created for an important and royal purpose.   It’s your duty to find out what your purpose is while you are here on earth.  I think purpose always starts with a dream.

No matter what has happened in your life, or may have held you back in the past, today is NOT that day.

Seize this moment to live your dream.  Imagine what you would do if you are guaranteed to succeed.  There is no failure, there is no wrong choice.
Here’s to living your dream in 2014.

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